Wednesday 14 March 2012

Another Evangelical Republican for Marriage Equality

In yet another demonsration of how even conservative Republicans and Evangelical Christians are coming to support marriage equality as a conservative value and a Christian cause, Kathy Potts, the former chair of Rick Perry's presidential campaign in Iowa, has declared in favour.

2011 was a big year for Republicans. We saw leaders emerge and saw candidates drop out. We saw job creation and education being seriously debated, and I felt that the concerns of the American people were heard — for the most part.What I didn’t hear much of this year was support for marriage equality from the Republican front-runners. I support marriage for gay and lesbian couples and have been vocal about my support, even when it hasn’t always been the popular thing to do in my party.I heard a lot of rhetoric about gay and lesbian Americans that didn’t fit with what I know to be true and what many Republicans believe. As an evangelical Christian Republican, I know many people who hold conservative values like equality and freedom, but those voices were lost this year. However, I believe in my heart that things are changing. If it weren’t for the loud voices of a few in our party, I do believe more Republicans would stand up in support of marriage equality.
- full report at TheGazette

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